Computer Science Resume Templates and Examples (Downloadable)

  • Entry level
  • Midlevel
  • Senior level

Looking for a job as a computer scientist? Whether you are early on in your career or senior level, the first step is to create a resume positioning you as a top candidate and highlighting your qualifications, such as implementing enterprise-level cybersecurity protocols or designing and implementing applications. Review our list of tips, including examples, that can help you level up your computer science resume.

Key takeaways:

  • Emphasize specializations: Quickly showcase your computer science specialties and technical expertise in your resume summary to capture the attention of hiring managers.
  • Detail quantifiable achievements: Use specific numbers and outcomes to illustrate your impact in previous computer science roles, such as reducing help desk requests, elevating cybersecurity, or enhancing user experience (UX).
  • Use keywords for Applicant Tracking Systems: Include relevant nursing skills and keywords from the job posting in your resume to ensure it passes through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and reaches hiring managers.

How To Write a Computer Science Resume Example

Using a resume template can help you write an effective computer science resume. Include these sections:

  • Contact information
  • Profile
  • Key skills
  • Professional experience
  • Education and certifications

1. Share your contact information

Provide your full name, phone number, email address, location, and a link to your online professional profile. Ensure your contact information is current so potential employers can contact you for an interview.


Your Name
(123) 456-7890
[email protected]
City, State Abbreviation Zip Code
LinkedIn | Portfolio

2. Write an engaging profile summarizing your computer science qualifications

Craft an impactful snapshot of your computer science career to capture the attention of hiring managers. Begin by listing your job title, years of experience, and three to four specializations that align with the computer science job posting. In the following sentences, establish yourself as a leader in the space.

For example, if you enhanced clients’ cybersecurity profiles with a vulnerability that indicated a 65% reduced risk, note this in your resume summary. If you supported app development to increase in-app purchases by 15%, list this information at the top of your profile. Providing these types of insights will help you tell your story and highlight the value you can bring to prospective employers.

Senior-Level Profile Example

Innovative, analytical computer scientist specializing in cybersecurity with more than 12 years of experience delivering financial privacy software solutions for FinTech corporations across the globe. Proven track record of identifying system vulnerabilities, engineering stopgap security solutions, implementing cybersecurity protocols, and enhancing controls to prevent security breaches.

Entry-Level Profile Example

Innovative computer scientist specializing in building and testing Android, iOS, and Windows applications for business users. Develops and maintains websites, elevating UX by implementing design principles that enhance engagement and increase web traffic.

3. Add an accomplishment-driven professional experience section

To craft an achievement-driven professional experience section, create bullet points that display your career achievements rather than job responsibilities. Companies are interested in results, and as a computer scientist, you must demonstrate the bottom-line value of your contributions by incorporating data, metrics, and monetary figures.

Emphasize your ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams and translate complex technical concepts into accessible language. You will work with diverse teams and clients who do not have technical expertise like you do. Aside from your information technology (IT) specialties, showcase your ability to collaborate and solve complex problems.

Senior-Level Professional Experience Example

Lead IT Cyber Security Analyst, TotalSecure IT Solutions, Detroit, MI | October 2018 – present

  • Oversee design, installation, implementation, and maintenance of cybersecurity platforms for a dozen FinTech corporations
  • Enhance cybersecurity profile with vulnerability testing that indicated a 65% improvement and reduced risk
  • Deliver presentations to senior leadership and non-technical audiences regarding cybersecurity threats and IT security best practices
  • Create technical manuals for IT cybersecurity team to inform risk assessment and management, reducing breach potential for clients by 40%

Entry-Level Professional Experience Example

IT Security Specialist, Data Safe Co., Detroit, MI | July 2012– September 2018

  • Assisted in developing FinTech cybersecurity software to comply with financial industry standards
  • Coordinated with IT team to implement cybersecurity solutions, conduct vulnerability testing, and report potential security threats, reducing cybersecurity risk exposure across clients by 24%
  • Collaborated with IT security team to generate data analysis and reports to help clients understand their cybersecurity risk posture

Resume writer’s tip: Quantify your experience

Use numbers and metrics to show the results you achieved in previous roles. Provide context to your work history and give recruiters a better understanding of your scope and impact. You can demonstrate your value and potential as a computer scientist by detailing your success in ensuring client network uptime and reducing help desk requests.

  • “Managed and helped troubleshoot more than 450 enterprise-level servers to ensure uptime and reduce help desk requests by 35%.”
  • “I was responsible for making sure customers' networks were up and running and decreasing help desk issues.”

What if you don’t have experience?

Creating a computer scientist resume can be challenging if you lack real-world experience. In this case, highlight internships, academic experience, and projects that demonstrate your valuable skills and knowledge. Your resume should also include relevant coursework and certifications.

4. Include relevant education and certifications

In addition to your education, feature relevant certifications you’ve achieved throughout your computer science career. Although most employers will focus on your professional experience, obtaining other credentials shows a commitment to continuing education and advancing your career.

For instance, a Cisco Certified Design Professional accreditation could be valuable to show an employer your deep knowledge of the platform. A certification alone won’t guarantee an interview for senior-level job seekers, but it lets prospective employers know you stay up on the latest technologies, best practices, and computer science solutions.



[Degree Name]
[School Name], [City, State Abbreviation] | [Graduation Year]


Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Computer Science
University of Syracuse, Syracuse, NY | 2019



[Certification Name], [Awarding Organization], [Completion Year]


Cisco Certified Design Professional – Cisco | 2019
Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) – Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) | 2019

5. List pertinent key skills

Most organizations rely on some form of ATS to identify qualified candidates for job openings. To get your resume through the initial screening process and into the hiring manager’s hands, incorporate keywords from the job description directly into your profile, professional experience, and skills section. Below are key terms and skills you may encounter while applying for computer scientist positions:

Key Skills and Proficiencies
Agile methodology Artificial intelligence (AI)
C# Cloud technology
Computer engineering Computer science
Cross-functional leadership Data analysis
Data analytics Database management
Data integrity Data science
JavaScript Programming
Project management Python
Software Development Lifecycles (SDLC) SQL
System administration System architecture
Technical leadership Technical project management
Vendor management VMware

Resume writer’s tip: Use specific action verbs

Take a strategic approach with the words you use on your computer science resume. In the professional experience section of your resume, use action verbs to communicate your job duties and accomplishments. Instead of listing off responsibilities, use action verbs to start each sentence. Show how you executed your tasks through descriptive words and avoid using first-person language (e.g., “I was responsible for…”). Consider using the action verbs below to inject some energy into your computer science resume:

Action Verbs
Analyzed Automated
Built Collaborated
Conducted Created
Designed Developed
Engineered Implemented
Improved Maintained
Managed Optimized
Programmed Resolved
Streamlined Tested
Troubleshot Updated

How To Pick the Best Computer Science Resume Template

When selecting your template, prioritize structure and readability over visual appeal. Heavy use of colors and bulky graphics may look nice, but they can distract the reader from your content. Seek a template that organizes your content effectively but also fits with your brand. Hiring managers will always be more interested in your achievements and qualifications than the style of your template.

Computer Science Text-Only Resume Templates and Examples

  • Entry level
  • Midlevel
  • Senior level

Amar Singh
(123) 456-7890
[email protected]
Philadelphia, PA 12345
LinkedIn | Portfolio


Innovative computer scientist specializing in building and testing Android, iOS, and Windows applications for business users. Develops and maintains websites, elevating UX by implementing design principles that enhance engagement and increase web traffic.

Key Skills

  • AI
  • Application development
  • Data analytics
  • Programming
  • System architecture

Professional Experience

Junior Programmer, AppBuilt Tech Corp., Philadelphia, PA | November 2022 – present

  • Designed and implemented informational applications in Python for corporate clients, increasing users’ communications and operational efficiency by 25%
  • Supported development of apps, performed quality assurance testing, and configured in-app purchases to increase sales by 13% within one month
  • Enhanced UX by deploying user-centered design principles, driving engagement by doubling the number of users in the first year
  • Gathered information on reported app problems and generated analysis presentations for business leaders


  • Google Cloud Digital Leader – Google | 2023
  • Microsoft Certified Azure Data Scientist Associate – Microsoft | 2022


Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Computer Science
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA | 2014

Frequently Asked Questions: Computer Science Resume Examples and Advice

How do you align your resume with a computer science job description?

There are a range of computer science job categories, from computer programmers to information security analysts. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs for network and computer systems administrators are projected to grow by 2% from 2022 to 2032, which is average for most occupations. This growth is primarily driven by an investment in newer, faster technology, mobile networks, and the expanding universe of IT equipment, hardware, and software.

Although these projections are optimistic, you must align your resume with the job description to secure interviews for the most lucrative opportunities. Computer science is a competitive field, and tailoring your document to individual job postings will significantly increase your chances of landing your next job opportunity.

For example, suppose a company is looking for a cybersecurity expert. In that case, showcase your knowledge of identifying system vulnerabilities and enhancing organizations’ cybersecurity risk profiles to establish yourself as a thought leader in the IT security space.

What is the best computer science resume format?

Reverse chronological format is ideal for most resumes, including computer science. This approach ensures that your most recent, relevant experience is featured at the top of your document. Even at the entry level, it’s best to avoid functional resume formats. If you lack hands-on experience, focus on highlighting academic projects and internship experiences rather than only listing technical skills.

Expert advice:

Include a cover letter with your resume

Crafting a strong cover letter helps your chances of landing an interview during a job search. The key to creating a compelling cover letter is to customize your document for the organization you’re applying to.

Andrew Stoner

Executive Resume Writer and Career Coach

Andrew Stoner is an executive career coach and resume writer with 17 years of experience as a hiring manager and operations leader at two Fortune 500 Financial Services companies, and as the career services director at two major university business schools.

Written by professional resume writers and loved by hiring managers

ResumeTemplates offers free, HR approved resume templates to help you create a professional resume in minutes. Choose from several template options and even pre-populate a resume from your profile.