Software Engineer Resume Templates and Examples (Downloadable)

  • Entry level
  • Midlevel
  • Senior level

As a software engineer, your job is to ensure programs function in a way that’s both user-friendly and efficient. Your software engineer resume must convey your understanding of the computer science principles and programming languages required to develop and maintain software. This guide provides strategies to help you create a resume that shows you have the ability to excel and evolve amidst the constant change of the tech industry.

Key takeaways:

  • Highlight technical expertise: There are many paths within software engineering, and it’s important to establish which one you’re most familiar with. Whether you’re strongest on the front end, back end, or full-stack, let hiring managers know where your specialties lie.
  • Quantify your contributions: Use specific metrics to describe what you achieved in previous positions and projects. Percentage improvements in application performance or reduction in processing time will reflect the value you bring to development teams.
  • Include relevant keywords: To make it through applicant tracking systems (ATS), include technical skills, tools, and software mentioned in the job posting. This includes programming languages and frameworks relevant to the position you’re applying for.

How To Write a Software Engineer Resume Example

Software engineering is a field that values clarity and precision, and your resume should reflect that. A modern template will serve you well and provide a clean, easy-to-read outline for your work history. Ensure your software engineer resume includes the following sections:

  • Contact information
  • Profile
  • Key skills
  • Professional experience
  • Education and certifications

1. Share your contact information

At the top of your resume, display your full name in a big and bold manner, and follow it up with all the essentials. List your phone number, email address, and city of residence. You can also include links to your LinkedIn or GitHub profile pages to show off your connections and open-source collaborations.


Your Name
(123) 456-7890
[email protected]
City, State Abbreviation Zip Code
LinkedIn | Portfolio

2. Write a brief summary of your software engineer qualifications

A strong resume profile will highlight the most compelling aspects of your software engineering career. This short paragraph condenses all the need-to-know information at the top of the page, like a meta description for an HTML document. Include your job title and years of experience, followed by a few specializations that align with the job description.

Focus on incorporating keywords and relevant qualifications into this section. For example, if you know the organization works within cloud environments, then highlight your expertise in deploying and managing applications in the cloud. You could also list any certifications you might have for common cloud environments like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, or Google Cloud.

Senior-Level Profile Example

Seasoned senior software engineer and Certified ScrumMaster with more than a decade of experience in software development. Solid foundation in multiple programming languages and operating systems. Leads cross-functional teams with agile methodologies to reduce product development cycle times. Focused on integrating artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to boost end-user productivity.

Entry-Level Profile Example

Resourceful junior software engineer with a strong education in computer science and over two years in the field. Translates complex software ideas into user-centric features. Full-stack expertise with demonstrated ability in optimization and migration. Excels in a fast-paced environment, achieving timely project delivery through automation.

3. Add your software engineer experience with compelling examples

The professional experience section should provide examples of the value you can bring to employers by highlighting what you’ve accomplished as a software engineer. Starting with your most recent job first, use bullet points to briefly outline your main responsibilities and a few notable achievements.

Show hiring managers what they can expect if they were to hire you. You can do this by describing times you’ve used the same or similar programming languages as those mentioned in the job ad. Discuss your coding skills, software proficiencies, and team collaboration in action. When you can, use numbers to bring measurable value to your engineering work.

Senior-Level Professional Experience Example

Senior Software Engineer, Adobe, San Francisco, CA
June 2021 – present

  • Develop and maintain scalable components for Adobe Creative Cloud applications
  • Utilize agile development processes to ensure faster feature release, leading to a 30% decrease in product development cycle time in 2022
  • Work closely with product managers and designers to conceptualize, implement, and improve user-centric features
  • Increased end-user productivity by 25% through the integration of AI technologies
  • Organize annual workshops on best practices for DevOps and site reliability engineering (SRE) functions

Entry-Level Professional Experience Example

Junior Software Engineer, Synergy IT, Chicago, IL
August 2022 – present

  • Collaborate with back-end developers and product owners to translate requirements and mock-ups into functional features
  • Enhance application function and user experience (UX), helping to raise the company’s customer satisfaction score by 15 points in 2023
  • Participate in migration activities through back-end optimization and new development
  • Assist in the move of over 10 legacy systems, migrating them to a modern microservice architecture
  • Optimize SQL queries and stored procedures, which led to a 20% reduction in server-side processing time

Resume writer’s tip: Quantify your experience

Quantify your duties and accomplishments to bring clarity and concrete evidence to your professional software engineer experience section. Numbers can easily transform vague descriptions into impactful data, effectively illustrating your past contributions. This strategy can help set you apart and show you’ve taken the time to calculate your success for the reader.

  • “Automated routine tasks such as configuration management and log monitoring, saving an estimated 10 hours per week for the team and reducing manual errors.”
  • “Automated configuration and log monitoring tasks to save time and reduce manual errors.”

Resume writer’s tip: Tailor your resume for each application

Although a resume is an overview of your unique work history, it must speak to the needs of the employer you want to work for. You can incorporate target keywords from the job description into your software engineer resume to stand out from other applicants.

For example, suppose a company is looking for someone with experience in database systems. In that case, your resume should demonstrate an ability to write and optimize complex SQL queries. You would discuss times you did things like optimizing existing databases or managing data migration projects, prioritizing those experiences relevant to the job.

What if you don’t have experience?

Even without any official hours as a paid software engineer, you can still prove your ability to create apps, websites, and systems. If you have an educational background in computer science or engineering, highlight this vital training toward the top of your resume. Also, discuss any internships, externships, and bootcamps you’ve attended.

When listing your experiences, recount any personal projects or those you’ve done for friends. While you may not have been paid for this work, these examples provide hiring managers with an idea of how you’ve used transferable skills in the real world. They want to see the steps you’ve taken to develop your knowledge of programming languages and practice interpersonal skills.

4. List any education and certifications relevant to software engineering

A good majority of software engineer opportunities will require a four-year degree, often in majors like computer science, engineering, or software development. Regardless of your level of education or the job requirements, list your highest degree first and all the relevant details, such as the degree name, school name, and attendance dates.

Additionally, if you’ve obtained certifications to enhance your knowledge and skill set, include those as well. For example, if you specialize in database design, you would benefit from including something like a Certified Internet Web Professional (CIW) credential, while a cloud expert could stand out with an Oracle certification.



[Degree Name]
[School Name], [City, State Abbreviation] | [Graduation Year]


Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Computer Science
DePaul University, Chicago, IL | September 2017 – June 2021



[Certification Name], [Awarding Organization], [Completion Year]


Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate, Oracle University, 2022

5. List key software engineer skills and proficiencies

A key skills list is a great place to incorporate target keywords into your resume. To build this list effectively, consider the requirements of the engineering job you’re applying for. This will include a mixture of technical and soft skills that prove your proficiency in programming languages and an ability to work on a team. Explore the list below to get familiar with the skills hiring managers are looking for in a software engineer resume:

Key Skills and Proficiencies
AI technology Algorithm design
Cloud computing (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud) Containerization (Docker, Kubernetes)
Continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) Database management (MySQL, SQL, XML)
Data structures DevOps
Front-end development Machine learning
Mobile development Programming languages (Python, Java, C#)
Software architecture design System design
Test-driven development Web frameworks (Django, Flask, React)

Resume writer’s tip: Use descriptive action verbs

If you want to level up your software engineer resume, use action verbs, especially in the professional experience section. These powerful words emphasize the active role you had in past positions. You can easily turn a daily task into an accomplishment with the help of action verbs. Consider using the words below to describe your work history:

Action Verbs
Automated Built
Collaborated Engineered
Debugged Designed
Developed Implemented
Integrated Managed
Optimized Programmed
Resolved Tested

How To Pick the Best Software Engineer Resume Template

Selecting the right template will ensure a positive UX when hiring managers read your resume. Your resume should be easy to read and navigate, so opt for a clean, modern style. Look for a design with well-structured headers and space for bulleted lists. Avoid overly complex layouts with tables or graphics that can distract from your resume content.

Software Engineer Text-Only Resume Templates and Examples


Charles Davis
(123) 456-7890
[email protected]
City, State Abbreviation zip code
LinkedIn | Portfolio


Resourceful junior software engineer with a strong education in computer science and over two years in the field. Translates complex software ideas into user-centric features. Full-stack expertise with demonstrated ability in optimization and migration. Excels in a fast-paced environment, achieving timely project delivery through automation.

Key Skills

  • Approachable
  • Clear communication
  • Full-stack development
  • Frameworks: Bootstrap, ExtJS, Node.js
  • Programming languages: CSS, HTML5, JavaScript, JQuery, SQL
  • Team collaboration

Professional Experience

Junior Software Engineer, Synergy IT, Chicago, IL
August 2022 – present

  • Collaborate with back-end developers and product owners to translate requirements and mock-ups into functional features
  • Enhance application function and UX, helping to raise the company’s customer satisfaction score by 15 points in 2023
  • Participate in migration activities through back-end optimization and new development
  • Assist in the move of over 10 legacy systems, migrating them to a modern microservice architecture
  • Optimize SQL queries and stored procedures, which led to a 20% reduction in server-side processing time

Software Engineer Intern, UtiliTech Solutions, Chicago, IL
December 2021 – May 2022

  • Supported a software development team with ongoing projects for local utility companies
  • Helped reduce manual team effort by 40 hours per week as a result of automating data collection and analysis
  • Maintained relational databases using SQL Server, Oracle, and MySQL
  • Collaborated with a team that delivered a large client project on time and under budget, saving the company over $5,000 in project expenses
  • Utilized Git to manage project codebases and engage in version control practices


Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Computer Science, September 2017 – June 2021
DePaul University, Chicago, IL


  • Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate, Oracle University, 2022
  • Oracle Certified Associate (OCA), Oracle University, 2021

Frequently Asked Questions: Software Engineer Resume Examples and Advice

How do you align your resume with a software engineer job description?

Employment for software engineering and development professionals is expected to grow by an impressive 25% between 2022 and 2032. It’s an exciting time to be in tech. From robotics to automation, new jobs are on the rise each year by the thousands. Even with an increase in demand, a well-tailored resume is vital to landing your dream software engineering job.

Although the field is projected to see an abundance of opportunities, competition can still be tough. Start by analyzing the job description of the role you’re applying for and match up your own skills and experience. Then, make an effort to align your resume accordingly, adjusting sections to better speak to that company’s needs.

It’s not about copying the job ad word-for-word or exaggerating your background, but acknowledging the unique requirements for each position. For instance, if the role requires proficiency in front-end development, emphasize your most relevant experience in user design.

What is the best software engineer resume format?

Merging the strengths of the chronological and functional formats, a combination resume is a great choice for software engineers. In such a skill-driven field, emphasizing your unique technical abilities works to your advantage with this format. It also includes a comprehensive overview of your work history so far, clearly outlining your growth within the tech industry.

Expert Advice

Include a cover letter with your resume

Wouldn’t it be nice to attach a README file to your resume so you can further explain the nuances of your career? You can easily do that by including a cover letter with your application. It’s your chance to explain why you’re the perfect software engineer for the job and how your experience makes you uniquely qualified.

Andrew Stoner

Executive Resume Writer and Career Coach

Andrew Stoner is an executive career coach and resume writer with 17 years of experience as a hiring manager and operations leader at two Fortune 500 Financial Services companies, and as the career services director at two major university business schools.

Written by professional resume writers and loved by hiring managers

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